Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Hello Everyone!  Welcome to this week's blog article.  This week I wanted to keep it simple, short and sweet.  This exercise is something we all know about, many of us have tried it and some of us don't really understand its importance/significance.  What am I talking about?  Journaling.  Journaling can help ease your mind of anxieties and help get to the root cause of many emotional issues.

Journaling is meant to help understand the thoughts that are going on in your head. Writing your thoughts down helps you become more aware of stories you are telling yourself.  In many cases, the stories we tell ourselves, are not positive ones.  Many folks are surprised by how harsh they are on themselves.  With journaling, we can start to examine these stories and ask ourselves, "Is this true?"  Examining these stories is a great first step to freedom.

Where I notice people tend to go wrong with their journaling (and I'm at fault here too), is in taking a critics view of what you are putting down on the page.  Journaling is meant to be an exercise of freedom.  Literally anything goes.  If you think, "this is stupid, I can't write that down," then it is probably something that you should be writing down.  

So there you go, a simple start to journaling.  If you would like a more in depth understanding of journaling, let us know in the comments section!

By: Nicholas J. Smith, LPC

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Back to School Anxiety

For me, Labor Day has always seemed to signify the end of summer and the start of a new season even though the calendar tells me that summer is technically still here for the next few weeks. By this point, most schools are back in the full swing of things and the busyness of the school year starts to set in. The new school year results in a wide array of emotions for children and parents alike, and for some children and adolescents, going back to school causes feelings of anxiety. Deciding whether or not a child's worries and fears might require additional help can be difficult for parents, so I filmed a video that talks about questions parents can ask themselves about their child to decipher whether seeking help from a professional is warranted. If you want to know more about back to school anxiety, check it out!

By: Amanda Paben, LPC