Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mindfulness with Anxiety

Anxiety is something that can affect all of us at any time. All emotions are God given and they teach us something. Yet, at times we can let our emotions dictate our actions. Anxiety is one emotion that can cripple us from living out the purpose God has for our lives. When God gave us emotions they were not designed to inhibit us from trusting in His plan.
One way to bring ourselves back to the present moment, and not have our emotions dictate our actions, is a mindfulness breathing exercise. It is an exercise because it is something that takes time and practice; just like working out. Begin by getting into a comfortable position. Then focus on your breathing; just recognize how you are breathing and have that be your anchor into the present moment. Adjust your breathing by counting in for three seconds and breathing out for five. Continuing this as long as you like.
The mind and body are connected. By exhaling for longer than inhaling, you are telling your body you are calming down. The parasympathetic nervous system is what helps us calm down and continue our normal body functioning that is not possible when we are in a state of anxiety. Continuing to breathe in this way will allow your body to tell your mind to release your anxiety and further trust in God’s plan for your day.

By: Sam Hicks, LPC