Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Loving Out of Fear

Welcome everyone, to this week's post featuring Farah Harris!  Farah does a great job explaining how and why, the desired outcome to our actions often have opposite effects.  It's a thought provoking article that will show you some ways in which you can look into yourself and start "loving" in healthy manner.  For those of you who were able to attend our seminar, Farah has really able to build from one of Scott's analogies.  Here's what she has to say:

How do you love?  Is it out of fear?  This is probably a question many of you have never asked yourselves.  Let me preface by saying that I am using Biblical definition of love.  In the Bible, love is not a feeling, it is an action verb.  That stated, when one receives love, it is known by the experience of another person’s actions.  We love because he [God] first loved us. 1 John 4:19.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Wife Likes to Tell Me Where to Go and How To Get There!

Hello Everyone, glad you stopped in to check out this week's article, and I think after reading it, you'll be glad you took the time as well!  Anyone who is a relationship is going to be able to get something from this post.  In fact, Scott uses himself as an example.  Being a therapist doesn't make us immune from difficulty in life, but as you will see in Scott's situation, it did make him very aware of what is taking place under the surface.

This week's article was written by Scott Hendrickson, LCPC.  Scott is a therapist at and the Founder of Heritage Counseling Center.  Here's what he has to say:

My wife likes to tell me where to go and how to get there.  In fact, like a good husband, I simply follow her instructions as we drive to our local shopping places. I used to be annoyed with this but have learned that it's probably okay. Confession: sometimes after I have simply, mindlessly followed her directions (Costco, Crate & Barrel Outlet, Nothing Bundt Cake), I forget where I am at. A few times she has chided me for my disorientation. Seriously...there have been times when I thought the way home was left when it was right.  Why? Am I starting to have early onset (I’m not that old) dementia?  (don’t answer that!) 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Introducing Heritage's Blog Host

Hello Everyone, and Welcome to Heritage's Blog!  

My name is Nicholas Smith, I'm one of the counselors here at Heritage and have been asked by Scott Hendrickson (The President of Heritage) to take the role of being the Host for our Blog.  If you would like to know a little more about me, click HERE.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ponderings on the World of Dating and Relationships

By Adrienne Kather, LPC

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about dating and relationships. Not only because I have just re-entered dating/relationship world after years of not being in it (even during years of being single), but also because many people in my life are in various stages in dating/relationship world as well. It seems to me that it’s an often confusing and difficult place to be because there are hardly any easy, black-and-white answers to the questions that come up. I don’t have the answers, but I’d like to share the things I’ve learned/decided for myself and the things I’m wondering about.