Monday, December 16, 2013

Yes, Another Post on New Years Resolutions

By Nicholas Smith, LPC

    This New Years, I encourage everyone to not think of a general goal such as "lose weight." Instead, let's try something new this year and focus more on the types of emotions or experiences we would like to have in 2014.

    Typically, we make a resolution and it dies out somewhere before February. Our goals feel more like a prison than they do like freedom. From my perspective as a therapist, I would assume that is because those resolutions are far too superficial on the surface. By selecting a few emotional experiences we wish to cultivate in 2014, we are immediately more invested by our very nature as emotional beings. And, as a bonus, once we integrate more positive emotions into our lives, following through on goals like going to the gym will feel less overwhelming.

    So let's say, for example, that 2013 was a year of stress. So in 2014 you want to experience more peace and a sense of calm. To do that you could write a list of things you know help aid in that experience such as; prayer/meditation, going to a forest preserve, taking an evening walk, date nights with your loved one, etc. Also, your list might include items such as learning about stress, taking a class on stress, attending group therapy or seeking individual counseling to learn coping skills on how to deal with stress.

    Here at Heritage we want to help you reach your emotional goal for 2014. Please let us know of we can help in any capacity!