Thursday, February 19, 2015

Loving Your Child

This week, Amanda Paben has some great practical ways we can show our children love in a way that will be meaningful and specific to their specific needs.  Here is what she has to say:

February seems to be the month where special attention is paid to the topic of love. Stores are filled with heart shaped candy and decorations; commercials on television are more sappy than usual, and news programs spend airtime focusing on relationships do’s and don’ts. While the spotlight on love during the month of February seems a little cheesy and blown out of proportion, taking time to think about the ways that love is shown to those we care about is a worthwhile endeavor.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Putting our Intellect to Use for Ourselves, Others, and God

Our thought life has a profound impact on our emotional wellbeing.  Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions.  This week, counselor Michael Angelo brings us some perspective on this subject while helping us understand the process of changing our negative thinking.  Here is what he has to say:

To this John replied, "A person can receive only what is given them from heaven." — John 3:27 NIV

According to this verse, we get our wisdom from above. It is our responsibility, God says, to use it here on earth, for our benefit and his glory.

One of the more godly ways to grow in knowledge is to understand the damage negative thinking can do to us and our relationships. But knowing this isn't enough. We must also strengthen our mental resolve, reframing troubling thoughts using the basic tenets of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) along with, of course, our faith in God.