When our hearts are thankful we are:
- Focused on the positive
- Aware of blessings we otherwise take for granted
- Acknowledging God’s goodness
- Refusing defeat
- Humble
- Able to feel joy
- More able to trust God
- Able to let go of things outside of our control
- Glorifying God, the Giver of all that we have.
By thanking God in all circumstances, we are more open to what God may have us learn through them. We often don’t understand why God allows many of the things that happen. We may get the “whys” answered someday or we may have to wait until the next life to understand. But if we seek the Lord during those confusing and even heart wrenching times, He will change us so that we not only can bear up under them but we can also become more compassionate, insightful, forgiving, patient and many other character qualities which will make us more like Christ.
Jesus said, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) It is helpful to remember that heaven is yet to come. We are here to accomplish God’s purposes in us, through us and for us. By staying close to Jesus, (abiding in Him), we can be thankful because we know this life is temporary and not our real home. The love and forgiveness we extend to others will be rewarded in the next life. And God’s grace is sufficient to carry us through, empowering us to give thanks in all circumstances.
By: Francine Costanza, LCPC
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